The First Step
Today I’m working on my Paper Boat Adventures project. I’m super asthmatic and too peopled out to respond to messages but I still kinda finally feel like revealing some of my inner plottings.
I haven’t told many about my PBA project yet… mostly because I haven’t locked on to a good description of it. It’s going to be an unending series of arts that grow and reveal a story as they go. I don’t pick the paths, I’ll just be following them and taking you along for the ride.
It’s going to change the future theme of my business and even my art style.
It’s all the same tree, just new branches and it’s not really a change so much as digging through the sky like it’s dirt until you get through a layer and discover something that was there all along and driving everything else. Getting closer to the source.
The undercurrent focus is that we all, from younger than we can remember, create stories inside ourselves and that we use these stories to process everything that goes on around us. They consist of worlds and characters and adventures that in some way, though often fantastical, reflect what’s going on outside of us.
That we’re all born with this inner natural story world and that it can be a tool to heal the bullshit we go through.
A side quest to PBA is that I want to provide/inspire a place of escape. All of us are at a terrifying precipice of too much knowledge and not enough power right now.
In my darkest moments of childhood I often escaped to a place made from a collage of all the media I’d consumed; books, tv, music, art, games.
A lot of what we’re collectively consuming right now is not terribly… shiny and happy… understandably.
So I’m going to inject some light into that shit.
I’m going to focus on drawing/revealing relaxing, happy, meditative things and places. I’m going to project peace so it can become a part of the world’s mental collage- so you folks have some place better to escape to. To rest and heal and recharge.
I don’t have any power to fight the shitstorm we’re in right now but I do have the power to shine a light in dark places when those who are fighting need to catch their breath.
Not everyone can be a warrior. Some of us have to raise them up.
I encourage you in these scary days ahead- raise up your warriors. Raise up the next generation to come. Raise up your community. Raise up those who have something to say and those who have studied and know what they’re taking about. Raise them up above the noise because they’re going to get us through this.
Raise them up and take rest within the story.